Section 1: ICV Processes (Application, Amendment, Claim Submission and Revision) For 'Innovation', 'Producivity', 'Productivity', 'HR' and 'Financial Management'

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Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) contacts Service Provider (SP) / Knowledge
Institutes (KI) for more information on ICV.
SP / KI provides information on the list of pre-defined services provided by them
under ICV, as well as any other information required by the SME.
SP / KI assists SME to identify the needs and propose a suitable service under ICV.
SME consents to working with the SP / KI on the ICV project.
SP / KI prepare a project proposal which should clearly include, the following:

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B. Amendment Request

- Names of the involved parties (eg. Project leader, associate consultants etc);
- Roles and responsibilities of the involved parties;
- Scope of work;
- Expected deliverables;
- Proposed timeline for project;
- Quotation;
- Payment terms and conditions; and
- Any other information deemed necessary by either SP / KI / SME.




D. Revison of Claim

SP / KI and the sole-proprietor / partner / company director of the SME sign off the project proposal.)

SME is required to provide the following information in the ICV application form for ‘Solutions’ projects:

SP / KI issues centre code to SME.
SME login to ICV Online Portal through the SPRING ICV website to submit an
application. Please take note of the following:

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SPRING evaluates application and may revise the application back to SME for more information when necessary.
Upon approval, ICV Online System sends an email notification to the SME through the primary email contact been provided in the application form.
SME can commence on the project only upon approval from SPRING



The centre code must not be issued by the SP / KI until project confirmation
has taken place between the SME and the SP / KI;
SME must include a primary email address as all notifications from the ICV
online system will be sent through the email. The email cannot be that of the
SP / KI, nor created by SP / KI for the SME;

The signed project proposal must be uploaded under Section C : Project
Details (Project Description); and
Only the sole-proprietor / partner / company director of the SME can submit
and make the declaration in the application form.

SME must include a primary email address as all notifications from the ICV online system will be sent through the email. The email cannot be that of the Service Provider, nor created by the Service Provider for the SME; and
Only the sole-proprietor / partner / company director of the SME can submit and make the declaration in the application form.

SPRING evaluates application and may revise the application back to SME for more information when necessary.
Upon approval, ICV Online System sends an email notification to the SME through the primary email contact been provided in the application form.
SME can commence on the project with SP / KI only upon approval from SPRING. Upon project commencement, SP / KI / SME must document and sign off for each consultancy session pertaining to the project in the timesheet provided by SPRING. SP / KI must put up an overall summary of the discussion hours in the ‘Breakdown of Consultancy Hours Form’.

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SME proceeds to submit an amendment request through the ICV Online Portal for any of the following changes:

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SME login to ICV Online Portal through the SPRING ICV website to submit an application. Please take note of the following:

A. Application Process

- Extension of voucher expiry date;
- Change in type of service module within the same capability area; or
- Change in SP / KI

Only the sole-proprietor / partner / company director of the SME can submit and make the declaration in the amendment request;
SME cannot make changes for services across capability areas;
SME can only make the change for SP / KI and type of service module within one amendment request;
SME can only request for a one-time change in project details, SP / KI, provided that the ICV project had not commenced at the point of request;
SME can only request for one-time extension of an additional six months in voucher validity period; and
SME and SP / KI should not proceed with the change prior to approval from SPRING.

Please take note of the following:

C. Claim Submission

SP / KI put up the project report which should clearly include, but not limited to, the following , wherever applicable:

In the event SPRING does not find the claim submission satisfactory, SPRING will route the claim back to the SP / KI.
SP / KI will have to make the necessary revisions based on the remarks provided by SPRING, which will be indicated in the Claim Redemption Form.
Upon revision, SP / KI will have to re-submit the claim.
If the revised claim (after 1st revision) are still deemed unsatisfactory by SPRING, the claim will be rejected and no payment will be made for the project. Please take note that SPRING also reserves the right to take other actions in accordance with the Terms and Conditions in the Letter of Appointment to the SP / KI for poor project performance.

Section 1: ICV Processes (Application and Claim Submission) For 'Solution' Projects

Upon submission of the claim, SME receives an email notification from the ICV Online System which prompts them to review and endorse the claim submission.
SME endorses the claim, which will then be routed to SPRING for evaluation. Please take note that only the sole-proprietor / partner / company director of the SME can endorse the claim submission.
SPRING evaluates the claim and disburses payment to SP / KI upon approval.
SME can only proceed to apply for a new application upon approval of the claim.

- Increase in sales through innovation
- Improvement inproductivity

Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) identifies supportable items/services for a project that will allow them to achieve any of the following outcomes for their business:

- SME profile

i. Nature of business
ii. Industrial sector
iii. Customer segment(s)
iv. Organisational structure
v. Business operating model
vi. No. of years in operation
vii. Employment size/breakdown by job designation/nationality/full-time/part-time
viii. Annual sales turnover

- Objectives of project

i. Scope of work
ii. Expected deliverables

- Project Team

i. Names of the involved parties (eg. Project leader, associate consultants etc)
ii. Roles and responsibilities of the involved parties

- Diagnosis of SME’s needs

i. Methodology / Process to identify needs of SME
ii. Supported by data

- Recommendations customized to SME’s needs

i. Intent of each recommendation
ii. Area(s) of customization
iii. Potential pros and cons of each recommendation

- Implementation plan with proposed timeline, actions & deliverables
- Any other deliverables of the service module stipulated by SPRING



Upon project completion, SME mails the original, signed hardcopy of GIRO form mailed to :
SPRING Singapore, Financing & Incentive Schemes Mailbox, Level 14, 1 Fusionopolis Walk, South Tower, Solaris, Singapore 138628
Attn : Registry – ICV Claims Giro Form <ICV Application ID>

SME submits the following documents through the ICV Online System (ICV online redemption form). Please take note that only the sole-proprietor / partner /company director of the SME can endorse and submit the claim:







A. Application Proces

Supportable Services under ‘Solutions’

Requirements during Application Submission

Acquisition of Equipment & Hardware

a. Item/Service for purchase
b. Quantity of each item/service
c. Total cost, excludes GST
d. Name of service provider
e. Description on how the item/service can help to achieve the expected outcome(s)

Technical Solutions and Training
Design & Renovation

a. Item/Service for purchase
b. Quantity of each item/service
c. Total cost, excludes GST
d. Name of service provider
e. Picture(s) of pre-renovated area(s)
f. Description on how the item/service can help to achieve the expected outcome(s)

B. Claim Submission

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Supportable Services under ‘Solutions’

Requirements during Claim Submission

Acquisition of Equipment & Hardware

a. Item/Service for purchase
b. Quantity of each item/service
c. Total cost, excludes GST
d. Name of service provider
e. Scanned copy of receipt with date & receipt number
f. Product ID (if applicable)
g. Any changes to earlier information submitted during application
h. Original, signed hardcopy of GIRO form mailed to SPRING Singapore, Financing & Incentive Schemes Mailbox, Level 14, 1 Fusionopolis Walk, South Tower, Solaris, Singapore 138628
Attn : Registry – ICV Claims Giro Form <ICV Application ID>

Technical Solutions and Training
Design & Renovation

a. Item/Service for purchase
b. Quantity of each item/service
c. Total cost, excludes GST
d. Name of service provider
e. Scanned copy of receipt with date & receipt number
f. Product ID (if applicable)
g. Picture(s) of renovated area(s)
h. Any changes to earlier information submitted during application Original, signed hardcopy of GIRO form mailed to SPRING Singapore, Financing & Incentive Schemes Mailbox, Level 14, 1 Fusionopolis Walk, South Tower, Solaris, Singapore 138628
Attn : Registry – ICV Claims Giro Form <ICV Application ID>

Upon submission of the claim, it will be routed to SPRING for evaluation.
SPRING evaluates the claim and disburses payment to SME upon approval.
In the event SPRING does not find the claim submission satisfactory, SPRING will route the claim back to the SME for clarification.
SME will have to provide clarification based on the remarks provided by SPRING, which will be indicated in the Claim Redemption Form.
SME will have to re-submit theclaim.
If the revised claim is still deemed unsatisfactory by SPRING, the claim will be rejected and no payment will be made for the project.

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