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DigiFort Managed Print Services (DMPS)

Market research has shown that enterprises will spend up to 3% of their revenue on document output. his represents up to
T$15 million for a mid-sized company with annual revenue of $500 million.

Businesses rely on output devices to keep workflow moving. The breadth of devices, whether multi-function or single-function,
may be scattered over multiple locations. If these devices are not monitored and managed, money is wasted.

Estimates are that each worker outputs an average of 1,000 pages each month. As these devices become more sophisticated and connected to networks, employee use increases. You may not hear about all the breakdowns and slowdowns that happen every day because each individual problem seems so small... but each year, those hundreds of little problems end up costing you time and money. If you are unaware of exactly how much time or money is spent, then you need increased control of your output fleet.

Digifort can help you optimize the use of your printing assets, slash downtime, and save hard earned dollars through the management of your output fleet. Because we are totally focused on output, we've developed a unique cost-saving experience.

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